What are AM and PM?
AM and PM are abbreviations for the time system is a way of dividing the day into two halves to distinguish between morning and afternoon/evening.
They are used to specify the time of day in a 12-hour clock system. In a 12-hour clock system, the day is divided into two periods, each of which is 12 hours long. The first period, from midnight to noon, is labeled AM. The second period, from noon to midnight, is labeled PM.
AM stands for “ante meridiem,” which is Latin for “before noon.” It refers to the time period from 12:00 midnight to 11:59 in the morning.
PM stands for “post meridiem,” which is Latin for “after noon.” It refers to the time period from 12:00 noon to 11:59 at night.
For example, if someone says they have a meeting at 9:00 AM, it means the meeting is in the morning, while a meeting at 2:00 PM would be in the afternoon.
Where Do People Use the “AM and PM” Systems?
The use of AM and PM is used primarily in English-speaking countries, as well as in many other countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and India, among others. It is also used in some digital clocks and watches.
It’s worth noting that some countries, particularly those in Europe, use the 24-hour clock system instead of the AM/PM system. In this system, the day is divided into 24 hours, and each hour is numbered from 0 to 23. So, instead of saying 2:00 PM, someone using the 24-hour clock system would say 14:00.
12 AM vs 12 PM
Strictly speaking, 12:00 PM refers to noon, which is the middle of the day when the sun is at its highest point in the sky.
On the other hand, 12:00 AM technically refers to midnight, which is the start of a new day.
To avoid confusion, it’s often helpful to use the 24-hour clock system or to specify whether you are referring to noon or midnight.
For example, you might say “12:00 noon” or “12:00 midnight” instead of “12:00 PM” or “12:00 AM” if there’s any possibility of ambiguity.